When most people prepare to sell their home, they focus on cleaning indoors and making sure their property looks ready to be moved into. While the inside is important, research indicates that updating the landscaping is just as important. In fact, doing so can set your home apart from the competition. According to one Virginia Tech study, landscaping can increase your property value by as much as 15 percent. Still not convinced? In this article, I discuss four ways quality landscaping can maximize the value of your property and help you sell your home.
Landscaping Puts Homebuyers In A Buying State Of Mind
Some might assume that the decision-making process for potential homebuyers starts when they walk through the front door, but in reality, it starts the moment they pull up to your home. Even before they step out of their cars, prospective buyers are already evaluating whether your home will be a good fit for them and their families.
The inside of your home might be immaculate, but if your yard looks like it needs work, buyers will already have one foot out the door. If the outside of your home looks well-kept, buyers will assume that the indoors are well cared for. In other words, quality landscaping creates an expectation of good things to come.
Studies have shown that people often make decisions when they feel confident. This is especially true of major purchases like a home. If your potential buyers are already worrying about the state of the lawn, you will have to work even harder to convince them this is the right home for them.
Landscaping Makes Your Home Look Picture Perfect
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is especially true for selling your home. While some buyers still prefer to drive around to find “For Sale” signs, most people prefer to do their research online. So, for most of your potential buyers the first time they see your home will be through a photo.
One of the benefits of beautiful landscaping is that it looks great in pictures. If you scroll through professional listings, the first photo you will see of a home will often be the front yard. Doing a little extra work to spruce up your landscaping can go a long way toward nailing that first impression in the digital space, as well.
Quality Landscaping Helps Buyers Envision A Future With Your Home
When most homeowners purchase a new home, they plan to stay there for at least five to 10 years. Oftentimes, the decision to settle down is informed by a desire to grow their family.
When preparing to sell their home, I often advise clients to stage their home. Staging is when a seller sets up the furniture in their home to appeal to potential buyers. This helps buyers imagine their families living in the space.
One way to think of landscaping is as staging for the outdoors. Since many of your potential buyers are considering or already have children, making an outdoor space that is safe and welcoming can go a long way. If your potential buyer can see their family enjoying the outdoors at your home, they will already be looking for ways the inside can fit their family’s needs.
Landscaping Helps Potential Buyers Feel Secure In Their Investment
Buying a home is a major investment and moving already has a host of expenses and difficulties. The last thing a potential buyer wants to see in their new home is the need for more work to be done.
With a home being such a colossal investment, buyers are more likely to see an unkempt landscape as a factor that depreciates the value of the home. Buyers want to see a home they can easily maintain without having to invest more of their hard-earned money down the line.
Final Thoughts
Quality landscaping can go a long way toward improving the potential value of your home in the eyes of a potential buyer. As you get ready to put your home on the market, make sure you take some time to ensure your home makes a strong first impression by updating your outdoors.
If you are thinking of buying a home in Navarre, Florida, let me help make your buying experience easier. Contact me today to discuss your options. You can send me note on my contact page or give me a call at 914-447-4847.